What is java programming language?|| Advantages and Disadvantages.|| Babuji Techno Life

What is  java programming language? Advantages and Disadvantages.


Java is a programming language originally developed by James Gosling of Sun Microsystems and in 1995 it was released as a major component of Sun Microsystems Java Platform. The language receives most of its syntax (C) and C ++ but it has a simple object model and some low-level facilities. Java experiments are typically compiled for a bytecode (class file) that can be turned on any Java Virtual Machine with any computer architecture.

From 1995, original and reference implementation Java compilers, virtual machines and class libraries were developed by Sun. As of May 2007, Sun has provided most of its Java technologies in the form of free software under the GNU General Public License, in a special mention of the Java Community Process. Others also developed alternative implementations of Sun's technologies, such as the GNU compiler for GNU Classpath and Java.


1.  Java is a simple language:

 Java was designed to be easy to use and therefore it is easy to write, compile, debug and learn compared to other programming languages. The reason for this is that why Java is much easier than C ++ because Java uses automatic memory allocation and garbage collection, where C ++ programmers need to allocate memory and collect garbage.

2. Java object is oriented:

 Java is object-oriented because Java is focused on creating programming objects, manipulating objects and working together objects. This allows you to create modular programs and reusable codes.

3. Java platform-independent: 

One of the most important advantages of Java is that it has the ability to easily move from one computer system to another computer.


1. Look and Feel: 

The default form and experience of GUI applications written in Java using swing toolkit is very different from the original applications. It is possible to have a different look and feel through plugging the look and feel of the swing system. Sun is working in this area and we can see some great technologies from Sun in the near future.

2. Single-pattern language: 

Java is primarily a one-paradigm language. However, in addition to static import in Java 5.0, the procedural paradigm is Java's oldest.

Read  more:  Advantages and Disadvantages of java         

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